Monday, August 15, 2011


Golden Age refers to a time in a specific culture where there is widespread peace and prosperity. The stability allowed scientific and artistic inventions to flourish in the society. Although great achievements in science and the arts were made throughout different times in history, there were a lot more achievements during the Golden Age than in any other times.

The term "Golden Age" comes from Greek mythology, and it a reference to the different "Ages of Humankind” (i.e. Golden, Silver, Bronze, Iron). The Golden Age of Greece began with the victory of the Greeks over Persians after the Greco-Persian Wars (546-479 BCE). Most of what we know about the wars comes from the works of Greek Historian Herodotus - He is regarded as the “Father of History”, as he was the first to document historical facts in proper.

During the Golden Age of Greece, there were tremendous achievements in the arena of government, philosophy, arts (literature, poetry, drama), science, medicine and astronomy.

Above - Athens, Greece - The birthplace of Democracy

Above - The early Greek theatre promoted some of its renowned playwrights

Above - Greek Philosophers whose ideas are still significant today
L- Socrates (c.469-399 BCE); R- Plato (c.427-347 BCE)
Above - Archimedes (c.287-212 BCE) – Greek Mathematician whose principle of buoyancy to displacement is still being used in Science today.

Above - Pythagoras (c.580-500 BCE) – Founded trigonometry (i.e. the Pythagoras’ Theorem)

Above - Hippocrates (c.460-377 BCE) – The “Father of Medicine” whose oath still governs the relationship between doctors and patients today.
Besides humanistic achievements, the Golden Age of Greece is also renowned for its architectural innovation and sculptures that are still being imitated today.

Top-The archaeological ruins of The Pathenon, Temple of Athena in Greece
Bottom L- The Supreme Court building in Singapore; Bottom R- The Supreme Court in Washington, DC

Many of the government architectures of the western world are derived from Greek designs. Such designs can also be found in Singapore. Do you know why?


  1. Anthashah 1/8-05
    Many of the Greek buildings in Singapore like the supreme court and on top of it stands for Peace, Equality,Harmony and Justice. The Supreme court is left standing till today because Sinagpore became independent, the British architectures buildings are similar to the Greeks and there were so many systems of law which we now use to fight cases and without the Greeks building all these wonderful building, the court that is standing today would not be here.

  2. Claudia Koh 1/8-15
    Many of the Greek buildings are use for courts to fight cases for people. There is Equality, Peace, Harmony and Justice. This building is still left standing till today because before Singapore became Independent as the British architectures buildings were similar to the Greeks and because there are so many systems of law, we now use it to fight cases in the court. So that's why till today nobody has torn down this historical building as there is just so much of History that was left behind by the British.

  3. 1/7-23
    The Greek designs can be found in Singapore because the way they design the building can last longer. Singapore was influenced by the British which followed the Greek architectures.

  4. 1/7-09
    The greek design can be found in Singapore because the design can last long . Singapore was influenced by the British which follow the Greek architecture .

  5. 1/7 - 34
    Most of such designs are found in Singapore because our rulers former colonies were from the west, back then the west were influenced by the way the Greeks form of government like democracy,Mathematics,Sciences.
    When our former rulers ruled Singapore, they brought the Greek culture to Singapore.

  6. Many of the government architectures of the western world are derived from Greek designs such as the Supreme Court as before Singapore gained independence, our forefathers were British. Thus, many designs are from Greek.

  7. The Greek artifects are found in Singapore because before Singapore had gained its own independence, the British ruled over Singapore and the British followed the style of the Greeks and they built artifects that are originated fromk the Greeks. That is why the Greek artifects can be found in Singapore.

  8. 1/7-31,
    Because our ruler was from the west and was influenced by the Greek.So when he came to singapore he introduced the government.Our ruler is a British so he took the idea from the west.All this design was found in Singapore because they want us to learn.Therefore,it can be founded in Singapore and was once under British.

  9. (1/7-14) The British followed the style of the Greeks, so they built the Greek artefacts in Singapore.

  10. (1/7-38)
    The greek artefacts can be found in Singapore because when the British ruled over Singapore, the British were strongly influenced by the Greeks and so they started building artefacts that originated from Greek.

  11. (3) sec:1/7
    Yes,Singapore was once under the british colony. The british is under the western country, therefore, the british will take the idea of the greek buliding design and hance our supreme court is similar to the greek bulidings. Hence there will be cultral adaptations.

  12. 1/7-10
    Singapore got inspired by the Greek and so they designed and made the supreme court. During the Golden Age in Greece,the Greeks were very innovative and created many structures that can be found in many countries today. They all were influenced by the British who followed Greece.

  13. 1/7-18
    Singapore got their inspiration from Greek and so Singapore built a Supreme Court that is similar to the one in Washington DC as Singapore got influence by British who got influenced by Greeks as when its Golden Age in Greece,they built many different structures.

  14. Yes. As the artworks of Greece are well known all over the world has Singapore was influnced by these artwork pieces.Therefore Greece's artwork are found in Singapore


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